Monday, November 14, 2011

Deduplication of Journals

Work continues with the deduplication of journal titles which are found in other Cambridge University libraries. One set will continue to be housed in one of the University libraries.

The list of the journals involved is:
TitleStartvolEndvolRetained copy
MIMS magazine1974to1987UL
Monthly Bulletin of the Ministry of Health and the (Emergency) Public Health Laboratory Service195110to196726UL
Nursing Mirror1980151to1985161UL

Please email if you wish to comment on this.

Monday, November 07, 2011

Kings Fund - The point of care: accepting death & illness

The Kings Fund seeks to understand how the health system in England can be improved.
One of it's current projects is The Point of Care Programme which aims to help health care staff in hospitals deliver the quality of care they would want for themselves and their own families.

This section includes staff stories, and 2 have come recently from a 2nd year medical student who considers Accepting death and illness as a doctor and as a patient and Patients: just a tool for medical learning?